Barry Weiss Barry........Weiss's new Beatnik Custom Hot Rod

Barry Weiss The Beatnik started out as a 1955 Ford and then was transformed into the world's largest bubble top custom car.... much like the the original Beatnik Bandit. It features a Cadillac front end and a very futuristic interior along with and exposed engine. The body is completely metal and the car took 3 years to build.
Barry Weiss Beatnik Hot Rod by Gary Chopit
Barry Weiss Glass top car
Barry Weiss Beatnik Glass Top Car
Barry Weiss Chopit Car

Barry Weiss' 1932 Ford

Even Barry Weiss has troubles with his cars every now and then

Barry Weiss' 1946 Cadillac

Barry Weiss Cadillac
Barry Weiss Cadillac with Red Pin striping
Barry Weiss Cadillac With Red Pin striping
Barry doing a burnout in front of his house
Barry Weiss Burnout


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